Boss passes brutal verdict on Hereford FC.

Many things have happened since my last update. The integrity and work ethic of our players are still there. The relationship between the pitch and the stands is the most crucial component of any football club, whether they are well-established Premier League teams or a step 4 team in the Non-League. I have stated repeatedly off the pitch that before I took over, I wanted to rebuild this relationship.

Together, as one large Hereford FC family, we have succeeded in that. After conducting extensive research into the previous season and beyond, I learned that the team had not often recovered from a losing position to salvage numerous points on the pitch. This season, we have now won or drawn nine games after coming back from behind.

The very least that we as employees can ask of our players is that they not give in, since I assume that’s what you expect from your football club’s manager as well. I use the pronoun “your” with emphasis because this is your football team, and you have a right to know how we operate. Since we are not privately funded, it is imperative that you receive regular updates from the chairman and general manager about the operations of your football team.

Firstly, I want to thank you for your support, as always. In his post-match interview last night, Andy Williams hit the nail on the head. In these truly awful times, where living expenses have skyrocketed, spending your hard-earned money to travel across the nation in large numbers and either win, lose, or draw to demonstrate to us that you are right behind us means more than you can ever know.

There are times when the relationship between players and supporters is special because players know it’s our job to try to get fans up from their seats and enjoy the football they watch, but supporters also have a role to play, and the best supporters know when the players need them. When we were down to nine men last night, our support system responded incredibly well. Without a doubt, we were struggling at times, as is typical when facing a team that has two fewer players. You noticed this and gave our players a tremendous round of applause, which I can assure you was exactly what those boys needed. We, the players and management team, are grateful that you assisted us in overcoming the line last night, as well as numerous other times this season.

The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes is immense, and the club’s regular employees deserve a great deal of recognition for their initial assistance in securing more tickets for the Banbury match. The employees could have easily accepted what Banbury had offered us, but instead they went above and beyond, persistently pushing to obtain additional tickets for you. Together with a competitive team on the pitch, the Chairman, Board of Directors, and volunteer team are making every effort to give us the best chance to be sustainable. We hope that the Junior Bulls team’s excellent work providing the greatest matchday experience for the club’s future fan base will inspire these young children to visit and have long supported their club. Without a doubt, your football team is in a much better position than it was at this time last season.

We still have three games left to play and are still at war. We’ll keep fighting, and no matter what happens, we hope that this season has given you a lot to be grateful for and that our relationship will continue to grow. I believe that throughout the season, my staff and I have been working nonstop to create a strong base of work upon which we can always build. Because of the kind of supporters you are, I know you’ll be there for us at every turn. Even though we may occasionally get upset and irritated, we all recognise the progress our football team is making, and we need you to be a part of it.

Lastly, I believe it’s critical that we acknowledge the group of players that are present in the locker room. Because of the timing of the injuries and the signing deadline, we have recently added a few bodies. We will benefit greatly from Lawson D’Ath and Dom McHale in the next few games. I would especially like to recognise three members of my backroom staff for their voluntary above and beyond efforts.

Edwards Shaun Our team has benefited greatly from my GK Coach, whose connections have been a great asset. It was Shaun who persuaded Lewis Hudson to join the club. Shaun and I, Adam, often talk about players who are performing well at our level and below. Shaun had previously recognised “Huddy,” so we have been keeping an eye on him and he has been a great addition to the team.

Dan Pace has been a lifelong supporter of the team. He accepted the opportunity to take on a new role and has been a fantastic resource for all of us. In addition to her volunteer work with us, Pat, our analyst, manages a number of part-time paid jobs and attends university. She is a valuable member of the team.

Whatever the public’s opinion, I believe these three men should be highly commended for giving up a significant amount of their potentially well-earned paid work to come in and give us their all for no financial benefit.

I must also acknowledge our physiotherapist James Hughes, who has handled numerous injuries this season and done a fantastic job of adjusting.

I assume that Adam Rooney, the boy, has also been doing well! I will always be grateful to have my right hand man, “Roons,” by my side and at my back during the most trying times. He has had to listen to my whimpers and cries throughout the season. When you lose, management can be a lonely place, but I know that Roons has an amazing work ethic and that he will always be there for me. Together, we want the best for our players and they are our top priority.

Compared to last season, there are more than 800 more people present for every home league game. The team has been compelled to restart both on and off the pitch. exceeded all of the previous season’s points. Total squad overhaul—something no other team in the division has had to do.

Continue fighting. Still present. Maintaining faith.

We appreciate you and wish you a wonderful few days. We hope to see you all on Saturday at Scunthorpe in fine voice as usual.

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