Swindon Town protester fears situation and vows to stop at nothing..

Jason Lane is organising a protest against the ownership of the club at and before the game against AFC Wimbledon this weekend.

The protest will see a vocal display outside The Arkell’s John Trollope Stand at 2pm, fans not returning to their seats until the 50th minute after halftime, and a minute of sarcastic applause during the 69th minute of the game.

Lane states that he feels compelled to act immediately because the club’s immediate future may not look good if supporters do not begin to get engaged.

“It’s the lies, the deceit, the BS,” he declared. “The Fair Game report was probably the last straw for me.”

“In my opinion, something has to change because we can’t continue to decline year after year.

Because they don’t want Clem [Morfuni] here, the fans are avoiding the event; even the Fans’ Forum was a farce.

“By the end of May, season ticket sales will have decreased by roughly 1,500 compared to the previous season, and those early bird sales are what keep the club running,” he said.

Lane states that he feels compelled to act immediately because the club’s immediate future may not look good if supporters do not begin to get engaged.

“It’s the lies, the deceit, the BS,” he declared. “The Fair Game report was probably the last straw for me.”

“In my opinion, something has to change because we can’t continue to decline year after year.

Because they don’t want Clem [Morfuni] here, the fans are avoiding the event; even the Fans’ Forum was a farce.

“By the end of May, season ticket sales will have decreased by roughly 1,500 compared to the previous season, and those early bird sales are what keep the club running,” he said.

“As much as Clem may say that we need to alter our perspective, he needs to change his own. Something has to happen, and it needs to change at the top.

“I have no doubt that we will find ourselves in a worse situation than Reading if nothing occurs, no one voices their concerns, and we all stick our heads in the sand.

“In my view, it will probably take until November for the club to go into administration or be liquidated if Clem Morfuni remains employed there and nothing changes.”

According to Lane, the protest at the Wimbledon match will serve as the catalyst for a lengthier series of demonstrations aimed at drawing attention to the problems inside the

“We will talk about how Saturday went and then start making plans for that final home game against Morecambe on April 27,” he stated.

“I believe that a successful protest would involve over ten individuals and the fans coming together, as there has been a great deal of animosity and division among them.”

We’ve contacted Swindon Town to get their thoughts on this.


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