A reminder to all fans attending matches.
Leeds United would like to remind all of its fans that the team will not put up with any kind of discrimination, foul language, or inappropriate conduct at Elland Road, off-campus, or online.
The team will keep doing all in its power to shield players, employees, and fans from disrespectful and discriminatory remarks as well as any other risky conduct.
Policies, processes, and restrictions are among the mechanisms currently in place to improve behaviour for all participants in the game and to make sure that the majority of players are not spoilt by the activities of the minority.
Supporters will be subject to stadium bans and possible criminal prosecution if they engage in any offensive language or gestures, including discriminatory and tragic chanting, or engage in inappropriate activity like hurling objects, using pyrotechnics, or entering the pitch.

We are united in our opposition to all types of discrimination, including antisemitism, sexism, racism, homophobia, and other hate crimes based on religion.
We will keep working hard to remove these habits from the game we all love and stop the physical and psychological abuse that people endure because football is for everyone, and anyone exhibiting any of these behaviours is not welcome at Elland Road.
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