Confusion surrounds Gers links to man behind reported £55m & £115m masterstrokes

There is confusion surrounding apparent Rangers interest in Brighton & Hove Albion Head of Recruitment Sam Jewell as the club hunts for a new Director of Football.

Last week reports started emerging that Rangers were interested in making Sam Jewell the club’s new Director of Football following the appointment of Philippe Clement as manager

Rumors that Rangers is considering the gifted PremieAlan Nixon r League staffer to eventually replace Nottingham Forest’s Ross Wilson first surfaced in a report by journalist in the Scottish Sun.

It happens six years after Sam Jewell joined Brighton as a recruiting manager for the Seagulls U21s and was appointed Head of recruiting in February.

Brighton’s transfer department has received a lot of praise in recent years. Sam Jewell was a major player in the £55 million summer transfer of Alexis Mac Allister to Liverpool and the £115 million summer transfer of Moises Caicedo to Chelsea, two notable examples of Brighton’s excellent transfer window work.

Conflicting reports surround apparent Rangers Sam Jewell interest

Naturally, the links had Rangers fans very excited at the prospect of Sam Jewell joining the club and this was intensified by a tweet later in the week from Fabrizio Romano.

The transfer journalist has a reputation to uphold and claimed in a tweet that Rangers were set to offer Sam Jewell the Director of Football role

Brighton & Hove Albion v Southampton FC - Premier League

The Argus, a local newspaper, swiftly picked up on the story, stating that Jewell was “not going anywhere” despite any possible interest, according to a reliable source.

After then, a story by Andy Newport and The Daily Record insisted that Rangers had not really extended an offer to Sam Jewell to become Director of Football and called the reports “false.”

Now, according to journalist Alan Nixon, who was the first to connect Rangers and Sam Jewell, the Brighton recruiting maestro will likely remain with the Premier League team.

It’s a little unclear, but it seems that Rangers were interested in the gifted Brighton employee, but the team maintains that no deal ever quite reached the offer stage.

Sam Jewell seems to be quite devoted to Brighton, therefore any first inquiry would have laughed at such an offer.

After a time of uncertainty, Rangers CEO James Bisgrove confirmed that an appointment is “imminent” in the ongoing search for the team’s next director of football.

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