Expert react on Anthony Taylor’s decision to send off Lewis Dunk Following a VAR review

EXPERT VIEW: Anthony Taylor’s decision to send off Lewis Dunk for dissent was ABSOLUTELY the right one… referees understand players get frustrated but the Brighton skipper crossed the line

Following a VAR review, Lewis Dunk received a yellow card for dissent and then a straight red for foul and abusive language.

No match official should be subject to that and Anthony Taylor’s decision was absolutely the right one.

Officials understand passion and know players sometimes get frustrated but Dunk crossed the line on this occasion.

Respect for referees and their team is important from all corners.

Officials love the game and go out there to do what they do for the good of football.

Lewis Dunk was sent off after two bookings for dissent having protested Forest being awarded a penalty
Lewis Dunk was sent off after two bookings for dissent having protested Forest being awarded a penalty
The Brighton defender got in the face of fourth official Andy Davies after his dismissal
Mail Sport’s Chris Foy claims that it was ‘absolutely’ the right decision to send off the Brighton skipper

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