Neville talks on ‘dangerous’ club VAR statements

Gary Neville: Following ‘dangerous’ club VAR statements, the Premier League must take action to safeguard officials.

“I’m looking at the Premier League now and the leadership of the Premier League because the reality is they have got to start protecting referees,” said Gary Neville of Sky Sports in response to “dangerous” club VAR statements. The Premier League needs to take care of this.”

Gary Neville referred to the remarks made by Liverpool and Arsenal regarding VAR as “dangerous” and urged the Premier League to take action to safeguard its referees.

In an unprecedented statement for the team, Arsenal called on the PGMOL to “urgently address the standard of officiating in the Premier League” following Newcastle’s controversial winner over the Gunners on Saturday.

Despite a four-minute VAR check to examine three talking points with the goal—whether the ball went out of play, a possible foul by Joelinton, and an offside on Gordon—Anthony Gordon’s goal in the second half proved to be enough to defeat Mikel Arteta’s team.

As tempers flared at St James’ Park, there were also contentious incidents involving potential red cards, involving Kai Havertz and Bruno Guimaraes. After Arteta claimed on Sky Sports that the goal’s awarding was a “disgrace” and “embarrassing” for the referees, Arsenal united as a team to back the manager on Sunday.

It comes after Liverpool released a similar statement following intense criticism of Premier League officiating standards following VAR’s admission of error in ruling out Luis Diaz’s ‘offside’ goal for Liverpool against Tottenham in September.

‘PL must act and protect officials’

Gary Neville stated on Monday Night Football that remarks made by clubs are “significantly and seriously undermining” the credibility of officials. He further stated that the Premier League must take firm action in this regard.


“I felt that Arsenal’s statement was really inadequate,” the former defender for Manchester United remarked. “The other week, I had the same thought.

“Liverpool had a shocking one go against them a few weeks ago at Spurs, and we knew it was wrong at the time. They had a lot to feel hard done by. But the following day when Liverpool wrote their statement mentioning sporting integrity, mentioning they were looking at all options and then the suggestion of a replay, I thought that was quite dangerous.

“The Arsenal statement is quite dangerous.

Arsenal’s statement in full

Arsenal Football Club wholeheartedly supports Mikel Arteta’s post-match comments after yet more unacceptable refereeing and VAR errors on Saturday evening,” the statement read.

We’d also like to acknowledge the huge effort and performance from our players and travelling supporters at St James’ Park.

The Premier League is the best league in the world with the best players, coaches and supporters, all of whom deserve better. PGMOL urgently needs to address the standard of officiating and focus on action which moves us all on from retrospective analysis, attempted explanations and apologies.

We support the ongoing efforts of chief refereeing officer, Howard Webb and would welcome working together to achieve the world-class officiating standards our league demands.

Liverpool’s statement in full

Liverpool Football Club acknowledges PGMOL’s admission of their failures last night. It is clear that the correct application of the laws of the game did not occur, resulting in sporting integrity being undermined.

We fully accept the pressures that match officials work under but these pressures are supposed to be alleviated, not exacerbated, by the existence and implementation of VAR.

It is therefore unsatisfactory that sufficient time was not afforded to allow the correct decision to be made and that there was no subsequent intervention.

That such failings have already been categorised as “significant human error” is also unacceptable. Any and all outcomes should be established only by the review and with full transparency.

This is vital for the reliability of future decision-making as it applies to all clubs with learnings being used to make improvements to processes in order to ensure this kind of situation cannot occur again.

In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.

“A new behavioral charter was agreed upon by all clubs at the beginning of the season. I’m not saying Mikel Arteta and other managers shouldn’t feel resentful after games, or that referees shouldn’t be under pressure. I’m trying to say that in these situations, the clubs themselves ought to act more appropriately.

“I’m looking at the Premier League now and the leadership of the Premier League because the reality is they have got to start protecting referees,” he said.

“At first, I was thrilled about the increased openness, the referees’ apology to managers, and their communication with the clubs. However, what they are receiving in return is greatly and gravely undermined by their own clubs.

“The Premier League needs to take care of this. Since the idea of these letters being written and the statements made are new, the other clubs must arrange for the clubs that are writing these letters in order.

I get the impression that Arteta went off on Saturday, which is understandable given his emotional nature, and that on Sunday he nearly went to his board and demanded support. They have been duped by it.

“Arsenal is an institution as a football club. It’s a massive, great and wonderful football club with huge history. They should behave better than that and whoever it is that has sanctioned that statement will feel disappointed in a few years.

“I do think the Premier League has to come down on their clubs. They have to say to them that they expect a lot better than this.”

Carra: I don’t like the statement | ‘It’s not another one to jump on the bandwagon’

Meanwhile, Sky Sports‘ Jamie Carragher also showed his support for the officials, saying he didn’t agree with Arsenal’s statement and the former Liverpool defender felt Gordon’s goal had to stand.

He said: “I’ve just seen the Arsenal statement and I don’t really agree with that. This happened a few weeks ago with Liverpool and it was a different set of circumstances then in some ways – but I didn’t agree with what they put out either at the time.

“I was covering the game on Saturday night and on the back of Mikel Arteta’s post-match interview, I said I loved it. The reason I said that is because far too often managers before and after games speak cliches and don’t tell is how they feel. He was passionate, really honest, emotional and it was great TV. That’s the reason I said I loved it, but I didn’t agree with what he said in terms of about not being happy about the VAR.

“I can understand there were three checks of it and the goal gets given. But I’m still scratching my head to think about what part of the goal Arteta and Arsenal are upset about.

“Put yourself in Howard Webb or VAR’s position – they can’t conclusively say whether the ball was in or out. So the on-field decision was carry on and they have to go with that. Is there a foul? Probably 50:50, but not a terrible decision. It could go either way and as a centre-back I’m saying to Gabriel, he could be stronger. And the last bit about offside, it wasn’t given on the field, it was difficult. But VAR didn’t have an angle to see it. So what do you want VAR and the officials to do?

“You could say we are the Premier League, could we have camera angles that covers every part of the pitch. I agree with that. But this is not another one to jump on the bandwagon with VAR and just batter the people at the Stockley Park. That’s not right. Nothing was conclusive about the goal, so it had to be a goal. End of story.”

Ref Watch: Gordon goal should have been ruled out for Joelinton push

Former referee Dermot Gallagher dissects the flashpoints from the latest round of Premier League and Scottish Premiership games, including Anthony Gordon’s controversial winner for Newcastle against Arsenal.

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