Police arrest suspects for attempted murder after knife attack in in Bristol

A serious knife attack, a renewed appeal over a cold murder case and a road rage incident are among the incidents in Bristol that police need help investigating. Numerous crimes across Bristol are investigated every day, but sometimes witnesses are hard to track down.

In many instances, police can find CCTV footage of people in the area where the crime took place. This means they are able to release the images to the public in the hope that the individuals can be identified, in case they have any information that might help the investigation.

Avon and Somerset Police has recently shared information and photos in connection with a number of reported offences in the area. Some appeals have since been removed after members of the public helped with identification, but several remain live on the force’s appeals list.

11 people were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with a knife attack which has left two men in hospital. The reported attack took place near Rawnsley Park, in Easton, at around 4.40am on Sunday, June 9.

Two men in their 20s were taken to hospital with knife wounds, one of whom was described by police as being in a serious condition. Neither man’s injuries were thought to be life-threatening.

All have been released on conditional bail while further enquiries are made. Ch Insp Hayward-Melen added: “The recent incidents in Stapleton Road and the surrounding area in the past few months has had a significant impact on the local community.

“We are making sure our Neighbourhood Policing Team for Easton is visible and available for members of the community to approach them with any concerns they may have.

“There is no place for knife crime on our streets or in our communities. We are committed as the police to doing everything we possibly can to stop this, from working with our intelligence teams to identify those who are posing the most risk in our communities, conducting knife sweeps, and engaging with our communities to alert them to the dangers.

“We can only act on information we are told, so our plea to the public is to please report if you see or hear of anything that concerns you, you can report online on our website, or by calling 101, or you can report anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111. Help us tackle this together and prevent more senseless incidents and loss of lives.”

Police officers have urged anyone who was in the Stapleton Road/Rawnsley Park area between 4.15am and 5am and witnessed anything suspicious, or have any video footage which could aid police with their inquiries to call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224148270, or complete our online appeals form.

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