Police lunch investigation after Burnley man attacked woman and punched her daughter, 13, in the face

A man assaulted a woman and her 13-year-old daughter during a row at her home.

Blackburn magistrates heard that at one stage a six-year-old girl was holding onto her mother to stop her falling down stairs.

Naheed Hussain, 46, of Padiham Road, Burnley, was convicted after a trial of two charges of assault. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 25 days rehabilitation activity requirement and 250 hours unpaid work. Hussain was ordered to pay £650 costs and £114 victim surcharge.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said at one stage Hussain was punching the woman and one of her children asked him to stop hitting her mum. He then punched the girl in the face.

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