Nov. 29: Edmonton Oilers fans are the worst

So, with 62 games remaining, the Edmonton Oilers are eight points out of a playoff spot on November 28. And everyone is weeping and wailing that we won’t make the playoffs. Wow! Worst professional sports fans!

(Sure, there’s a chance, but we’d have to outperform all of the teams between us and ninth place in those 62 games.)

Kudos to Smith

All Albertans should be proud of our premier and provincial government for standing up to the federal Liberals and their NDP allies’ destructive energy agenda. Liberal MPs just speak lies, and their main aim is power and money for wealthy party insiders. The only Albertans who are not now Premier Smith fans are either uneducated, ungrateful, or corrupt.

(Not supporting the government does not automatically make one corrupt.)

What a town

I was driving westbound down 98 Avenue, always aware of the radar trap where the official speed limit drops from 60 to 50 at the bottom of the slope. My relief was instantly directed to the newly commissioned LRT vehicle crossing the renowned Accidental Beach Bridge, as the great fishing place was unattended. Car, singular, as in one. After all of the anguish, trouble, mockery, ridicule, money, and disgrace, the ridership demand was one – ONE – automobile. Nonetheless, I had to get to work.

my west-end residence because it is where I live and pay my municipal taxes. The drive, by now familiar to me, includes orange barrier delays, ripped up roadways, and one lane diversions that don’t get better but require different turns depending on the week. All of this foreshadows the next LRT requiring only one – ONE – car to and from Lewis Estates. I turned into the alley almost home to discover that the homeless man, who had been living beneath a spruce tree since July despite my several referrals to 311 and Andrew Knack, was now the proud owner of a Toro lawnmower. It was next to two baby carriages stuffed with “items” laying on top of empty carriages containers and other unidentifiable garbage. I was so happy to get home. Edmonton used to be a pretty cool city.

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