Gillingham attack: Man kill girlfriend, unborn

A man has been found guilty of killing his girlfriend’s unborn baby in a “terrifying and deadly ordeal”.

The 35-year-old Asa Davison was upset that she was expecting the child of another man, who had not yet begun their relationship, according to Bournemouth Crown Court.
Before the deadly attack, he confided in acquaintances that it “broke [his] heart”.
On june 20, 2024, Davison, a resident of Silton, Dorset, was captured on camera “hunting” for the woman throughout Gillingham.

After becoming the victim of a “prolonged assault” in the street, the 29-week pregnant woman needed medical attention in a hospital due to her numerous injuries.
After the woman was attacked and suffered injuries including a fist-sized bruising on her abdomen and a cracked eye socket, it was discovered that the baby had perished.

Child destruction

According to prosecutor Sarah Jones QC, Davison assaulted his girlfriend because “he wanted that baby dead”.
She was “shocked by her own reflection” after he attacked her once more , according to Ms. Jones.
The court heard that Davison attempted, after his release from jail, to persuade his victim to provide a false narrative of the attacks over the phone.

He was found guilty of destroying children, assault causing actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm with intent, and perverting the course of justice.
On June 25, Mrs. Justice Cutts will sentence him while he remains in detention.

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