Teens jailed after stabbing in Gillingham High Street left victim fighting for his life

Following the several stabbings of a 17-year-old kid in the town centre last year, two “violent” adolescents were sentenced to prison.

Witnesses on March 9 reported seeing the child, who had been attacked on Gillingham High Street, fighting for his life and covered in blood on the ground.

After being stabbed in the back and arm, the victim was brought to a hospital in London by officers who were dispatched to the scene outside Wilko and Sports Direct.

Currently, a 16-year-old kid from London who cannot be identified for legal reasons and 18-year-old Dimeiro Campbell of Chester Road, Gillingham, are both behind bars.

In a group, Campbell and his friend confronted their victim, whom they did not know. After a brief exchange of words, the two repeatedly stabbed him.

The victim’s wounds included an arterial bleed from one of his arms, among other traumas.First assistance was provided by two bystanders and the responding police officers. After receiving life-threatening medical attention, he was sent to the hospital and has since been released.

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