Grimsby Town loses legend..

Roly Godfrey has done so much to Grimsby Town Fc , and should be accorded the deserved last respect like every other legend of the club has be getting.

Done so much for the club and we are very very lucky to have the content and matches that the film crew recorded, especially the early 80’s stuff when other clubs of our size weren’t doing that.

His sense of humour was brilliant too.

Just a legend of the club and Town.

If this is true, I’m absolutely gutted. Roly’s help in everything I do with the OTD stuff on Twitter has been invaluable. I’ve bags and bags of his tapes in the loft.

Didn’t know him before I started the account but over the past few years we struck up what Id’ like to call a friendship and he’d sometimes randomly call with news about a Town player or just somebody he thought I’d be interested in. Remember the early days of the account and the excitement when he’d call to say he’d found another bag of tapes.

Not just on the pitch, but we seem to have lost a lot this last year or season.

RIP, Rolly, and to everyone who has tragically died away.

I’ll be thinking of them all during these final two home games.

Hopefully, we can somehow commemorate them even more.

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