New Hartlepool United attacker admits Pools move feels like the “perfect fit”

The versatile forward became Darren Sarll’s first signing of the summer last week, agreeing to join Pools when his contract at AFC Fylde expires at the end of the month.

The 26-year-old endured a mixed spell in the North West, helping the Coasters win promotion back to the National League after signing for a club-record fee but struggling for fitness in his second season and not playing at all in the final four months of the campaign.

Sarll has emphasised his desire to recruit players with ties to the North East and Luke Charman, who was born in Durham, came through the ranks at Newcastle and enjoyed a prolific spell with local rivals Darlington, certainly fits that bill.

The frontman, who is strong, agile, and at ease on both feet, acknowledges that moving to the Suit Direct Stadium made perfect sense because it allowed him to be closer to his family. However, he was given the option to stay at Mill Farm.

“I’m delighted,” he told the club website.

“My deal with Fylde came to an end this summer and I thought I’d have a look around at my options.

“When I spoke to Darren, the new manager, and with it being so close to home, everything just seemed like the perfect time to come home.

“I’ve grown up around here, so I know what the fans are like, and I know how important the club is to them.

“I’m excited to get going.

Sarll’s determination to sign players with links to the local area seems to be at the heart of his recruitment drive this summer – both of his first two signings, Charman and midfielder Jack Hunter, have ties to the North East.

The thinking seems to be that a core of local lads will be better able to cope with the unique footballing environment in the North East while also being more willing to sacrifice themselves for a side with which they have a genuine connection, which should chime well with Sarll’s style.

For Charman, it’s a welcome chance to return to the area he grew up in – and the attacker is delighted to be back home.


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