Hearts and Hibs hooligans clashed outside last Edinburgh’

Theatre-goers queuing to see Wicked at the Playhouse last night had to be rushed indoors after Hearts and Hibs hooligans clashed outside the city centre theatre ahead of last night’s Edinburgh derby.

One of those who witnessed the ugly scenes as the Edinburgh rivals’ supporters threw missiles including bottles at each other described the incident as “absolutely disgusting behaviour”.

The unnamed theatregoer told the Evening News about the clashes outside the theatre on Greenside Place at around 6.25pm last night, ahead of the Hibs versus Hearts match at Easter Road, which kicked off at 8pm and ended 1-0 to Hearts thanks to a late goal from Lawrence Shankland.

“Bottles and missiles were flying everywhere from the other side of the street to the Playhouse,” he claimed. My wife, daughter, and granddaughter, as well as the rest of those waiting, had to be hastily hustled inside the Wicked theatre.

“Absolutely disgusting behaviour that will almost certainly go unreported.” Please emphasise this since I am quite angry and unhappy. My granddaughter has been left in tears and afraid when she should have been allowed to be enthusiastic about seeing a theatre production she had been looking forward to for months.”

The granddad demanded action from Scottish football officials, and he applauded personnel at the Edinburgh theatre for acting quickly to send anxious theatregoers to safety.

He said: “Both sets of fans should be reprimanded by the SPFL, and the clubs should be fined. Security at the Playhouse should be commended for rushing theatre attendees inside to safety. I got my family home safely as the fans had moved on after the show, but what an entirely negative and frightening start to what should have been a fun and positive night for all in attendance at Wicked.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson confirmed the incident, but was unable at this stage to confirm that those involved in the terrifying incident were Hearts and Hibs supporters. She said: “At around 6.25pm on Wednesday, December 27, police received a report of a disturbance on Greenside Place, Edinburgh. Officers attended and the group dispersed. Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances.”

The Edinburgh Playhouse has been contacted for comment. Hibs and Hearts declined the opportunity to comment on the incident.

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