Rebecca Loos criticises David Beckham:

David Beckham’s version of their alleged affair in the Netflix documentary has drawn criticism from Rebecca Loos.
In 2004, Loos became entangled in a public scandal when she disclosed that she had an affair with Beckham during her tenure as his personal assistant.

When David moved to Real Madrid in July 2003, the former Dutch model was appointed as his PA. However, he was fired a few months later. Later, in April 2004, she claimed in an interview with News of the World that she and Beckham had an affair that lasted for four months.

The claims are discussed in the Netflix documentary, even though David at the time called them “ludicrous” and they were never verified. He said, “There were some horrible stories that were difficult to, erm, deal with.” That was the first time in our marriage that Victoria and I had experienced that kind of pressure. I’m not sure. To be honest, I have no idea how we managed to survive it.

“To see her hurt was incredibly difficult,” he continued, referring to his wife Victoria of the Spice Girls. But we’re combatants. We had to fight for our family and for each other at that particular time. And it was worth it to battle for what we had. But in the end, it’s our personal lives.

Beckham’s “poor me” response to the documentary’s portrayal of the tabloid story has infuriated Loos, who told MailOnline that “He needs to take responsibility.”

“He can say whatever he wants, of course, and I know he has a reputation to uphold, but he is painting himself in a victim role and making me look like a liar, as if I’ve made these stories up,” she went on. It seems like he’s implying that I’m the one causing Victoria pain.

The happily married mother of two children who currently resides in Norway, Loos, called this “the worst bit” because she believes “he’s the one that’s caused the suffering.”

She went on, “That disturbed me.” He could have just stated, “I don’t want to talk about it; this was a tough time.”


It’s perfectly acceptable if you choose not to accept responsibility for anything because of your family and kids. However, he deliberately made it appear as though he had nothing to do with this and that it was my responsibility.

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