Double leg amputee stranded after the Standing Man pub refuse him a pint..

Patrick Seery uses his mobility scooter every day since losing both of his legs but was told by the staff member he wasn’t going to be served until he leaves it outside

A double leg amputee said he was left devastated after being refused a pint in The Standing Man pub.

Patrick Seery, a regular in the Kilmarnock town centre boozer, says he was left feeling discriminated against after he was told he wouldn’t be served until he left his electronic scooter outside.

According to the 62-year-old, a barman informed him that, for insurance reasons, he was not allowed to use his mobility scooter on the property.

The Standing Man’s owners, Amber Tavern, called the incident a “massive misunderstanding” and extended their regrets to Patrick.

When the event occurred on Sunday, Patrick, a Celtics supporter, was watching the Old Firm game in the Portland Street bar.

“I regularly watch football at The Standing Man, and all the staff members are familiar with me,” Patrick stated to Ayrshire Live.

I stopped in for a pint on Sunday. The barman informed me that she was unable to serve me unless I parked my mobility scooter outside and returned, which is obviously not feasible given my inability to walk.

“I just wanted a quiet pint to watch the football.”

Seven months ago, Patrick suffered an illness in his left leg that clogged the arteries, resulting in the loss of both legs.

At his appointment at University Hospital Hairmyres, medical professionals attempted to insert a stent in his leg to restore blood flow, but they were unable to perform the surgery, as specialists informed him.

Patrick learned that his right leg had the same problem and that it was necessary to amputate it above the knee once his left leg was amputated.

Paula, Patrick’s daughter, continued, saying, “I was upset and angry when my dad told me about the incident.” For me, the last seven months have been quite difficult.

“He already has it rough enough without people making things worse for him. He’s still really wounded and angry about it. The bar is handicap accessible. It’s very awful that my dad is being treated this way when there is a ramp and a handicapped restroom.”

Since the incident, Patrick has communicated with the staff member and the area manager. Both expressed their regret to Patrick and his family.

Additionally, Patrick was offered a free drink, but he turned it down since he believed that “a free pint isn’t going to fix how hurt and embarrassed.”

He continued: “I wasn’t forced to leave the pub by the barmaid but I left after the incident because how could I sit in that bar after what had just happened?”

The Kilmarnock bar’s name pays homage to the world-famous ‘Striding Man’ slogan, which was popularised by whisky giant Johnnie Walker.

The man in the pub’s insignia, who is dressed in a top hat, tails, and cane, is also eerily similar to the iconic Johnnie Walker emblem.

“Unfortunately, this has been a massive misunderstanding, and the staff member at hand is extremely embarrassed and sorry for causing any upset to this particular customer,” a spokeswoman for Amber Taverns, the company that runs the Standing Man, stated.

“The staff member involved in this event has been dealt with internally, and as a result of this error, all other employees will be completing a refresher training on disability awareness.

“We take the events extremely seriously. Due to Facebook’s influence, some claims have been made that aren’t entirely accurate.

“I’ve met with the concerned customer’s family, and they have all gladly accepted the apologies.

“Even though I work for a chain, we like to think of ourselves as a local pub. My crew and I are really passionate about giving to many charities, so this has really resonated with us.

“The customer in particular has been asked to give us another try and has agreed, so we hope everyone hearing this will be as forgiving as the customer involved and give us another chance to show we are a fantastic pub with amazing staff right in the heart of Kilmarnock.”

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