Forensic police are emptying Kilmarnock town centre after raid*

Specialist cops were yesterday spotted emptying a Kilmarnock building hours after a major cannabis raid which saw seven arrested.

Uniformed and forensic officers remained at the scene for several hours as they cleared out a unit on Sandbed Lane, where they halted an operation early on Thursday morning.

The town’s King Street, was locked down as numerous police cars and vans descended on the main thoroughfare.

Police confirmed yesterday that they had arrested seven people after uncovering a cannabis farm.

Pictures taken from the scene show plenty of activity. One officer can be seen carrying a large holdall bag whilst another plain clothed officer can be seen carrying smaller clear bags.

Video footage also showed forensic crews gearing up to enter the unit, with officers in white forensic suits seen putting on blue latex gloves, as they prepared to obtain more evidence.

Police were unable to say the size of the cultivation although it is understood to be large-scale.

A spokesperson for Police Scotland yesterday said: “Officers are in attendance at King Street, Kilmarnock, following the discovery of a cannabis cultivation site.


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