It’s been alleged that the group chat contains ‘indecent’ images.
Ayrshire parents are on alert after kids were added to ‘horrific’ WhatsApp group chats.
A police investigation is underway after one parent claimed ‘hundreds’ of children were apparently added to a chat with ‘indecent’ images.
In a message sent today, East Ayrshire Council cautioned parents to monitor their child’s usage and content on mobile devices.

Since the incident was reported this afternoon, police indicate that investigations into it are still ongoing.
“An investigation is underway after we received a report relating to inappropriate communications on an online platform,” a Police Scotland spokesman stated. On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, the situation was reported, and investigations are still underway.
“East Ayrshire Council can confirm that reports have been received of children and young people being added to group chats on an online platform, where the content has a level of inappropriateness,” an East Ayrshire Council spokeswoman continued. Through the school app, a message has been sent to parents and carers requesting that they be mindful of their child’s or young person’s mobile phone usage and content.
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