Worrying trend sees car thieves steal eight Ford vehicles in two weeks in Ayrshire

Eight Ford vehicles have been stolen in Ayrshire in the last two weeks.

Following an upsurge in keyless car thefts in the region, Police Scotland has advised drivers in Ayrshire to exercise caution.
Eight Ford automobiles have been reported stolen since the beginning of March, with one of them eventually being found.
Keyless auto thefts have increased throughout Ayrshire, according to Inspector Stuart Dougan. Our committed team of officers’ top priorities are to look into these thefts and put an end to this illegal conduct.

“Ford automobiles, particularly the Ford Focus and Fiesta models as well as Ford Transit Vans, are frequently the targets of vehicle thefts.

“In the battle against this kind of crime, it is more crucial than ever for car owners to stay one step ahead of the law. We would encourage car owners to assess the security of their own vehicles and to take a few extra precautions to support preventing this activity.”

When at home, automobile owners are recommended to keep their car keys or fobs away from the vehicle and away from windows and doors.

The transmission of the signal from the automobile key can be stopped by using a signal blocking pouch, sometimes referred to as a Faraday pouch. To guarantee the security of the car, it can be bought online.

Another way to make sure the car isn’t stolen is to utilise a steering lock.
Inspector Dougan advises auto owners to store their vehicles out of sight in a garage if at all possible. For added security, they should also utilise tracking devices and vehicle trackers. Tracking devices can also aid in the speedy recovery of stolen vehicles.

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