Protest over jury freedom set to take place today

Campaigners are planning a rally in Coventry today in support of a woman who got into legal trouble after holding up a sign outside of a court. Liberty Human Rights claims that Trudi Warner was charged after she held a banner outside a London court promoting jury rights.

Leamington Spa resident and local activist Xandra Gilchrist continued, saying, “Jurors are people like you and me, regular people with lots of different life experiences.” When we get called to serve on a jury, we bring all of this up in court.

She was allegedly protesting the limitations imposed on juries in a case involving environmental activists by the court. Hundreds of people are anticipated to show up in their local courts this morning (Monday) to support Trudi.

Protest organisers, Defend Our Juries, assert that there is a possibility of arrest for participants. The statement from a spokesperson read as follows: “Their message to the Judiciary and Attorney

Merle Gering, who is 76 years old, is present at the Coventry event. He stated: “A right of juries to act independently has been enshrined in English law since 1688, whatever the law and whatever a judge demands.” The ability to confront the strong and wealthy is possessed by the common people.

“Sadly, our government does not have any answer for their abject failure on the climate – we are at ‘code red’ for humanity.”


“We are asked to decide whether or not someone is guilty of committing a crime after hearing testimony from the prosecution and defence as jurors. We must hear every piece of information available before we can decide.”


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