Leeds Rhinos coach hunt: pros and cons of 2 leading contenders

Numerous names have been linked with the role, but two being touted as front-runners are Salford Red Devils boss Paul Rowley and Australian Brad Arthur, whose most recent job was in charge of NRL outfit Parramatta Eels. Sporting director Ian Blease will choose the new gaffer and is facing a huge decision just weeks after joining the club. Here’s how Rowley and Blease shape up as possible contenders.



Rowley, who was born in Leigh, is 49 years old and still quite experienced. He took on his first head coaching position with his hometown team in 2014, and he has a history of success in lower divisions, having won back-to-back second-tier titles at Leigh in 2014 and 2015 before taking over as Toronto Wolfpack’s first coach.

He guided the Canadian side to top spot in League One at the first attempt and repeated the feat in the Championship 12 months later, though they suffered a shock Grand Final defeat by London Broncos. Rowley was appointed Salford coach in the autumn of 2021 and led them to a play-off semi-final in his first campaign.

They narrowly missed out on the top-six last term, but are currently fifth, despite a limited budget and having lost some key players – including Brodie Croft and Andy Ackers to Leeds – in pre-season. The Salford boss is admired for his style of play and knows how to get the best out of Croft and Ackers who played their best rugby under his coaching. He is also well known to Blease, who worked with him at Salford until earlier this month, so there’d be no shocks if he did get the job.

Leeds would have to entice him away from Salford, where he obviously feels at home, because he is now employed there. He has already turned down the prospect of joining Hull FC.

Moreover, Rowley has never held a position at a really large team. Even though Salford is currently playing better, Leeds is a significant improvement. At Rhinos, pressure is greater and expectations are higher. Many coaches have found the position to be too big for them in the past.



The 50-year-old Australian is vastly experienced at the top level and available now. He coached NRL outfit Parramatta Eels from September, 2013 until last month – when he was sacked – and has also been on the staff at Melbourne Storm and Manly Sea Eagles.

He improved the Eels’ fortunes, taking them to the 2022 Grand Final and several play-offs campaigns and was well liked and respected by his players. There was widespread sympathy when he was axed following seven defeats from 10 games this year.


Arthur hasn’t worked in Super League and isn’t well known to the Leeds club. They have sources in the Australian competition, but might prefer a candidate they have personal experience of.

Also, Arthur has other suitors. Media in Australia say representatives of Perth’s bid to join the NRL have already held talks with the ex-Eels man.

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