Reason behinds Policing Operation as Reading fans travel to Oxford’

Drones, mounted officers and police dogs will be used

Thames Valley Police will undertake a highly visible and robust policing operation for the match between Oxford United Football Club and Reading Football Club this Saturday.

Section 35 and 60 AA orders will be put in place as a preventative measure to ensure the safety of fans and local communities in the area.

Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) are authorised by Section 35 to disperse persons or groups who are causing harassment, alarm, or distress from the area.

An officer may issue a Section 60 AA order compelling someone to take off any item that the officer has a reasonable suspicion the subject plans to wear to hide their identify. This may also entail taking that object.

On Saturday, both orders will be in effect in Oxford and Didcot from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Below, the designated areas are indicated:

In addition to this, a number of tactics such as the use of Football Spotters, Mounted Officers, Police Dogs and Drones will also be deployed to provide reassurance for our local communities.

Superintendent Adrian Hall, Tactical Commander for the policing operation said: “The majority of people attending this game will be there to enjoy the football and our officers will be there throughout the day and on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to approach them.

“We continue to work with both football clubs, our partners and local communities to ensure a safe operation and prevent those who pose a risk of anti-social behaviour from impacting on others.”

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