SAGA; A £250 Singing Deal Leaked…..

A £250 punishment for ‘not singing’ is among the many outrageous fines included in Plymouth’s 23/24 season leaked list.

This season, there will be a £10 fine imposed on any Plymouth Argyle player who chooses to wear flip flops in the dressing room showers.

How is that known to us? This rather modest fine piece is on a much-discussed list with twenty-five others.

If you fail to bring birthday cake to the training site, you will be fined £20. If someone decides to skip the Christmas party, you will be fined a whopping £250.

This amusing set of guidelines was most likely created by Steven Schumacher in response to their recent elevation to the Championship.

arrive late for instruction? $50. Arrive after hours on game day? £250. In the event that you “not sing”? £250.

In addition, players who fail to clear their plates and cups in the cafeteria will be fined £10. They will also get an additional £10 for leaving food in boxes the day before a game.

See the whole list of fines for Home Park’s 2023–2024 season below:

This is how the fine list has being received on social media.

“Strange sense of priorities,” said one enthusiast. Arriving late on Match day: £200 fine. £250 is alright if you don’t sing.” “It’s very very valid to be fined for not showing up to team nights out,” said another.

Another remarked, “No flip flops in showers would damage me, hate the things.”

“Think I’d be bankrupt if I played for them,” a fourth person said. And that’s only the fine I received for kicking balls over the fence—I have no idea what else.”

An image displaying a list of penalties The policies Frank Lampard instituted during his first stint as Chelsea manager were recently revived, and they included a £20,000 fine for arriving late to practice.

On August 27, 2019, Lampard gave his approval to the whole set of 12 regulations.

The fines were written up, framed, and hung on the wall as a reminder to the first-team players, as you can see in the photo below.

A fine that drew attention was £500 for each minute a player was late for a team meeting.

Apart from that regulation, athletes faced a £1,000 punishment for arriving late to the gym and using a phone during a team lunch.

Players were required to abide by a number of internal regulations, which are listed at the bottom of the page.

Failing to meet body composition criteria also carried fines, and access to the Cobham training field was restricted to player agents and representatives only with Lampard’s agreement.

There was also information on breakfast being given and advice for athletes who wanted to take their days off to visit overseas.

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