‘Absolute Disaster’ – McCarthy tears Rangers to shreds as multi-million news emerges I

Rangers’ recruitment under Michael Beale was an “absolute disaster”, according to Daily Record journalist David McCarthy.

It was revealed this week in Rangers’ accounts that £21million was spent in the summer transfer window when Beale seemingly had free reign over the ins and outs at Ibrox due to Ross Wilson’s exit.

Sam Lammers, Cyriel Dessers and Danilo all arrived for big money in the summer with nine players in total being brought in. Beale claimed before he was sacked that only £13million was spent on them.

McCarthy has now torn to shreds Beale’s recruitment in the summer after it emerged how much the Englishman really spent on a bunch of duds.

Speaking on The Journos via PLZ Soccer’s YouTube channel on Thursday (16 November), McCarthy said: “Listen, you have a fault with the recruitment – it was an absolute disaster. It really was.

“I think Beale took on far too much when Ross Wilson went out the door. Beale’s ego allowed him to think he could take care of all that as well as put a winning football team on the pitch.

“There are so many different reasons why Beale had to go but the fact is, he did have to go.”

How are Rangers doing financially?

Rangers’ latest set of accounts have been put under the microscope by financial experts, Rangers fans, journalists and – don’t forget – the masses in East Glasgow.

Some of the news is fairly good with the club showing a strong financial performance off the back of Giovanni van Bronckhorst’s impressive results in Europe.

However, last season, we definitely took a battering as we didn’t do well in Europe, were miserable in the league, sacked van Bronckhorst, hired an egotistical idiot as his replacement, lost some of our most valuable players for nothing and then replaced them by spending a lot of money on duds.

The Daily Record reports that Rangers’ wage bill is now inexplicably higher than Celtic’s.

It’s good that the club can sustain a higher spend but if that’s the case, shouldn’t we be way more competitive than we are?

Recruitment has been woeful for years and that needs to change under Philippe Clement and whoever comes in as the next director of football, which should hopefully be within the next couple of weeks.

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