Ferguson accuses Rangers star of ignoring Clement

Cantwell, 25, was substituted off after just 36 minutes and replaced by Ross McCausland, who went on to score the Gers’ equaliser in the Europa League group-stage clash at Ibrox.

Ferguson, an ex-Light Blues player, says Cantwell was caught because he refused to follow Clement’s orders and kept drifting into the middle instead of sticking out on the wing.

“Of course, we all know he’s better suited to playing through the middle, but when your manager gives you a job to do, you simply have to do it,” Ferguson remarked in an interview with the Daily Record on Tuesday (2 December).

“What Cantwell isn’t going to get away with is giving his manager the rubber ear, especially after putting in a subpar performance against Aris.” Clement had to remind him too many times about drifting in off the right flank when he’d been told to keep his width, and when he failed to follow his manager’s advice, the Belgian was forced to intervene.

“Well done, big Phil, for replacing one of your star players midway through the first half a huge call. But it sent out a message that he’s the boss and now it’s up to Todd to respond.”

No wonder he’s at Rangers

We don’t intend to put Rangers down, but Cantwell wasn’t long ago playing well in the Premier League and being connected with Tottenham, Manchester United, and Liverpool [The Express].

After scarcely playing for Norwich in the Championship, he left to join a Scottish Premiership team.

Rangers are obviously a famous team, but it’s quite a fall from grace for someone who was once compared to Portuguese football superstar Deco.

Cantwell’s actions raises severe concerns.

Perhaps he believed too much of the hoopla when he was younger, leading him to assume he had a God-given gift that he didn’t need to work on.

Perhaps he believes he knows more than Clement.

The harsh reality is that he doesn’t, and that for all of his talent, he spends it on petulance, incompetence, and cheating.

Todd, stop mucking around and start playing football the way your boss has instructed you to.

If you do, perhaps the Liverpools and Manchester Uniteds of the world will start watching you again.

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