Crying and laughing as the well-known practical joker’s casket is driven in a dump truck to his funeral

Dave Newton’s family was happy to comply with his lighthearted request for his funeral because they knew him to be a fun-loving man who liked jokes and pranks.

At a football fan’s funeral, a dumper truck was used in place of a hearse, causing both laughter and tears.

Dave Newton, whose family characterised him as a man who enjoyed humour, jokes, and practical jokes, had his playful request to have his coffin transported in a truck rather than a hearse honoured. According to his son-in-law, Phil Cooper, Dave—a supporter of Sheffield United—made the ‘dumper truck’ joke when he was speaking with his undertaker, who was a Sheffield Wednesday supporter.

“He was asked about cars and said, jokingly, ‘no just stick me in a dumper truck’ – so we did.” “We knew we had to make sure it was going to happen as soon as he said that,” Phil continued. He was a practical joker and a fun-loving guy. Since he was constantly making jokes, we decided to give in to his wishes.”

According to Yorkshire Live, there were lots of smiles and laughter on the day of the funeral in addition to the tears. More entertainment was provided by the mourners toasting Dave with shots of apple and cherry sours at his grave. Dave was a Chesterfield resident who worked as a retained fireman and was 81 years old when he unexpectedly passed away.

His three daughters, Teresa, Tina, and Tracy, as well as his wife Ann, survive him. The funeral happened in Derbyshire’s Whitwell. Thanking Chris and Nigel at Turner and Wilson Funeral Directors for setting up and decorating the dumper truck, Phil—whose partner is Tracy, Dave’s daughter—expressed gratitude. He posted a picture of the dump truck on Twitter and mentioned how amazing the response from football supporters had been.

The rivalry and banter between Phil and his father-in-law has always been special, according to Phil, who supports Sheffield Wednesday. “He enjoyed a good drink and a good laugh.” We had shots at the graveside because he said he didn’t want people drinking and moping at his funeral. He adored Cherry in the past.


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