Veterans to be honoured at Swansea fixture

On Remembrance Day, Town’s game against Swansea City is scheduled to honor hundreds of veterans.

The Club’s second annual Medals2Matches fixture is being held in conjunction with the local social enterprise Combat2Coffee.

It is encouraged for veterans and active military personnel to wear their medals to the game in order to qualify for discounts on stadium and FanZone refreshments.

Additionally, the Club is donating 100 tickets to Combat2Coffee support staff and veterans. Each recipient will also receive a special Medals2Matches hoodie from Combat2Coffee, which is designed by the Suffolk-based brand Hoax.

Commending the heroes in our community with Medals2Matches is a wonderful idea, according to Nigel Seaman, the founder of Combat2Coffee.

Every game, hundreds, if not thousands, of active and retired military personnel will be in the stands. It is only fitting that we honor them for their contributions to this nation.

In keeping with the success of the previous year’s event, it will be wonderful to see so many people sporting their medals.

“We think it will serve as a means for people to identify with the heroes who are seated with them in the stands every week.”

Soldiers from 3 Regiment Army Air Corps will be supporting the Club’s on-pitch tribute alongside Club staff who have also previously served within the armed forces. A bugler from the East of England Co-op band will be performing The Last Post and leading supporters in a minute’s silence ahead of kick-off.

For this fixture, the Royal British Legion will be collecting donations in areas surrounding Portman Road, as well as in the hospitality areas and within the FanZone. Also in the FanZone will be members from 7 Para Royal House Artillery, who will be on-hand to educate and interact with supporters who wish to find out more about the regiment.

“This is a hugely important event in our fixture calendar,” Mark Ashton, Town’s CEO, said.

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“Remembrance Day is a day very close to my heart as it runs in the family blood in serving our country.

“The work that Nigel and everyone at Combat2Coffee are doing is truly fantastic and I am delighted to see Medals2Matches back again this year.”

Jason Carter, Director of HOAX, added: “I was introduced to Nigel at this year’s Suffolk Show. He was an instantly likeable guy, full of energy and passion for the great work he does for veterans and their mental health.

“When he asked if we would like to get involved with this year’s Medals2Matches, it was always going to be a big yes.

Commending the heroes in our community with Medals2Matches is a wonderful idea, according to Nigel Seaman, the founder of Combat2Coffee.

Every game, hundreds, if not thousands, of active and retired military personnel will be in the stands. It is only fitting that we honor them for their contributions to this nation.

In keeping with the success of the previous year’s event, it will be wonderful to see so many people sporting their medals.

“We think it will serve as a means for people to identify with the heroes who are seated with them in the stands every week.”

“Like many people of my age, my grandad fought in WW2, receiving the Distinguished Conduct Medal from King George VI.

“In my opinion he didn’t get to wear this medal enough, so giving servicemen and women an additional opportunity to show pride in their service is an amazing thing to be a small part of.”

More information on how Town will be commemorating Remembrance Day can be found at

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