8 unsolved murders that shocked Totton

Like police departments all around the UK, Hampshire Police has unsolved murder cases in their records.

Here, we examine a few of the homicides that shocked and appalled the county.

Tragic incidents include a businessman who wanted to become a millionaire being shot to death in the flat above his shop, and a mother of two who choked to death in a picturesque country home.

Families find it extremely difficult to deal with unsolved homicides because there is never any closure, no justice meted out to the criminals, and much frustration for the implicated cops.

To identify the murderers, Hampshire investigators are still going over files.

The Hampshire Constabulary was unable to provide information on the current number of unsolved killings in Hampshire. Following a Freedom of Information Request, Hampshire Police revealed and published information on seven of the eight unsolved killings included here in 2018.

A police spokesperson attested to the fact that Hampshire Police made sure unsolved homicides were examined. She stated: “The Serious Crime Review Team periodically reviews all undetected killings in compliance with national rules.

According to national rules, cases should be evaluated every two years, subject to operational limitations.

“The review of cases take account of advances in forensic science (such as developments in DNA) and changing case circumstances.”

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