Man jailed for rape of teenage girl in Totton

Denis Huel Kadena, 34, of Yorke Road in Southsea has been jailed for a total of fifteen years  for raping and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl on Hill Street in Totton on 14 September 2023.

He was convicted by a jury on 20 June 2024 at Southampton Crown Court.

Appearing at court today to be sentenced, the judge handed Kadena an eleven year prison sentence for the rape, with a four year licence extension.

He was also sentenced to three years for the sexual assault, to run concurrently, and a lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

The sentence comes after the girl reported that whilst she was making her way back to school on Testwood Lane, an unknown man in a white van approached her and offered her a lift – which she accepted under false pretences offered by Kadena.

Kadena had initially passed the girl, winked at her, before turning the van around to follow her.

Whilst in the van, Kadena sexually assaulted her before driving her to a layby on Hill Street.

He then told her that he needed help with something in the back of the van, where he raped her before dropping her off near her school.

He was arrested on 20 September after a patrolling officer saw a van matching the description given by the victim, with a man driving who also matched the description given.

He was subsequently charged after DNA evidence returned a match for him. He was charged with two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault.

Detective Inspector Claire Shawley, the Senior Investigating Officer, said: “This was a horrific attack on a young girl who was making her way back to school.

“Understandably, this was a traumatic ordeal for her and I would like to commend her bravery and courage in helping us bring this dangerous man to justice. I hope this sentence brings her some comfort.

“I would also like to thank all the members of the public and witnesses who checked their doorbell footage and dashcams, gave us statements, and ultimately provided us with the necessary evidence to get this vile crime to court.

“We want our communities to know that we stand with them, and will do all in our power to bring the offenders of these horrendous crimes to justice.

“We want to reassure anyone who reports incidents of serious sexual assault and rape to us that they will be believed, and they will be offered specialist support and provided with a specially trained officer.”

We encourage anyone who has been affected by sexual abuse to report this to police on 101 or via our online reporting tool.

Always call 999 if a crime is in progress or you feel that you’re in danger.

For more information on where to seek independent support as a survivor of sexual offences, you can visit our website:

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