Over 50 new Parking restrictions Introduced to Newport#

Over fifty new parking restrictions are being implemented on the Isle of Wight; however, for the time being, some of them have been halted.

Waiting restrictions on Wellington Road in Carisbrooke and yellow lines for Alvington Manor View in Gunville have been delayed.

Leader of the Isle of Wight Council and cabinet member for infrastructure and transport, Councillor Phil Jordan, declared during a meeting on Thursday night that those projects would be put on hold while more thought was given to them.

In response to requests from locals and town, parish, and community councils over the previous ten years, members of the Isle of Wight Council’s cabinet approved additional restrictions for Newport, Carisbrooke, and Gunville in order to improve highway safety.

To allow for unhindered traffic flow during peak hours, “no waiting” signs will be added to Carisbrooke Road, near the mini roundabout at Wellington Road. Parking will be prohibited between 8:00 and 18:00 on Monday through Friday.

There will be two new sections of double yellow lines added to Gunville Road, close to the intersection with Forest Road. There will be additional limitations on Fairlee Road, Staplers Road, St. John’s Place, and Clatterford Road. Cllr. Jordan called a few of the modifications “quite minor.”

Others concern making sure that current limitations can be upheld. Councillor Andrew Garratt stated during yesterday’s cabinet meeting that parked cars typically result in slower traffic and that yellow lines aren’t always the best way to keep pedestrians safe. He claimed that in order to increase pedestrian safety, physical structures were required and that there was no use in installing yellow lines if they weren’t followed.


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