Rangers players consulted over Ibrox singing section location”

CEO James Bisgrove has disclosed that Rangers players will have a voice in where the team’s singing section is eventually located at Ibrox.

For years, the Union Bears ‘Ultras’ club has been based in front of the Broomloan stand, although they have been considering moving to the Copland Road stand, which is their original position. It makes sense that they would desire to relocate to an area of the ground where they can exert more influence. Security issues arising from the Broomloan’s close proximity to away supporters hamper a move to a different region.

The section has been relocated around the stadium several times in trials to assess the mood, and the club has been in close communication with those who might be impacted.

In a further indication of how seriously Bisgrove takes ensuring that everyone is consulted, the players have been included in discussions over the future course of action.

“We’ve requested input from the first team regarding the various locations of the signing section,” he stated. If it affects them, the mood, the relationship with the supporters—the atmosphere is what makes Ibrox a stronghold. We’ve seen it in a lot of games, and one of our goals is to make that as strong as prominent as we can. That choice will affect the players in some way.

“We are taking into consideration the singing section’s experiences. We have, I believe, had four

testing now underway, and we’ve been collecting input from all of our backers. Additionally, we’ve been getting input from the starting lineup and consulting with fans who are situated in various parts of the stadium in the event that the present singing section is moved from

Although the consultation process has been ongoing for some time, Bisgrove took action to reassure supporters that a decision is soon to be made.

“We’re moving forward with our research, and we’re on track to present our recommendation at the upcoming board meeting,” he stated. However, because of the disabled facilities that are being erected and the cantilevers in the Copeland and Broomloan Stands, we are doing that in accordance with the infrastructural improvements that take place the next summer. Although there are many moving parts in the infrastructure, the supporter consultation process is almost over.”

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